A Calendar of Days

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  • Regular price $22.00

A Calendar of Days (2013) is the second in an on-going collaboration between the Wood Engravers’ Network (WEN) which includes members from the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and Asia as well as Canada, and a small, but distinguished Canadian literary press, the Porcupine’s Quill (PQL) which has long been recognized for its interest in the reproduction of wood engravings and its technical expertise in creating affordable offset presentations for dissemination, worldwide.

A Calendar of Days includes fifteen reproductions of prints of wood engravings contributed by a variety of artists. The images have been proofed letterpress in the traditional manner, then digitized and printed offset at the shop in Wellington County. Contributors include Wesley W. Bates, Gerard Brender à Brandis, Tony Drehfal, Colleen Dwire, Leslie Evans, Judith Jaidinger, Rosemary Kilbourn, John McWilliams, Gale Mueller, Sylvia Pixley, Michelle Post, Keri Safranski, Richard Wagener, Jim Westergard and Richard Woodman.