
The Porcupine's Quill publishes book-length poetry, literary fiction, creative non-fiction, and criticism. We do not publish children's books, YA titles, self-help books, genre fiction, travel writing, or previously published manuscripts. We publish only Canadian authors, and we strive to publish exemplary writing by a diversity of writers.

Please send submissions to with your full name and manuscript title in the subject heading. Include a cover letter with a brief description of your completed manuscript, your bio statement, and your publication history. If submitting poetry, poetry criticism, or chapbooks, provide your whole manuscript. If submitting fiction or nonfiction, provide an excerpt of up to 25 pages. All submissions should be sent in .doc or .docx format.

We read and respond to all submissions that comply with these guidelines. If you have complied and haven't heard from us after six months, please send a query.